Between within 

A Group Exhibition from Ebor Associate Members

Hannah Hull, Mary Naylor, Ellie Waters, Maryanne Royle, Matt Temperley 

Opening Saturday the 8th of April 11 - 5 , Running from April 8th - 30th 

Ebor Studio, William Street, Littleborough, OL15 8JP 

S E L L I N G   W O R K 

Find me THIS SATURDAY 18TH MARCH at the Old Parcels Office Art Space, Scarborough 

 For the OPEN STUDIO + ART MARKETSelling my works alongside many talented creators 

1 0 . 3 0 - 4 p m

Wheelchair Accessible 

Here I am organising my latest collections in advance for this exciting event, plus a studio visit from The Cactus, Scarborough.

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