Alain Gibert The French Jazz Trombonist

Ebor Studio Artist Mary Naylor sits on a chair in front of her giant painting of the late, French, Jazz Trombonist Alain Gibert.
He wears a scorching red shirt and is set against a pale sky-blue background. She wears paint-spattered ripped clothes.

Say Bonjour to the late and very talented French Jazz trombonist

 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶Alain Gibert 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 

 I had the fortunate luck to be commissioned by his god-daughter to paint him and paint him big too 😁 I should admit, I did not find this easy. It took way longer than expected. I scrapped a semi-finished attempt halfway through. I was well out of practice. It’s been over a year since I have painted for somebody else with a reference photo. I studied Graphic Design, not Fine Art, and so I don’t really follow the logical steps of building a face on traditional painting values. I sort of feel like I’ve been winging it, But winging it only works when your observation muscles are trained regularly. It really did kick me up the arse. This commission however has encouraged me to return to a regular drawing practice again (observation practice) and also start at zero and study the fundamentals of painting. It’s easy to become complacent in things you become good at - But a little bit every day does go a long way. A thought I think can be applied to life and relationships too. We are often gripped rigid in our opinions and preconceptions of what we see versus reality, But there’s always room for more knowledge and improvement. This aside, I enjoyed the challenge immensely. Hit me up if you would like a loved one immortalised in paint. C O M M I S S I O N S  a r e   O P E N 👍 

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